1 PETER 4:10
Ambassadors for Christ International
AFCI exists to accelerate the spread of the gospel through teams of nationals focused on church revival, evangelism, and training for worldwide ministry. Through missionary partners working with AFCI, CBC supports the growth and discipleship of the local church in places where it is being newly established or undergoing revitalization.
Avant Ministries
Avant Ministries exists as a network of church planters, specifically focused on the unreached with the goal of establishing mature, nationally-led churches that plant churches. Through Avant, CBC partners with church planters Vincent and Roberta Chiravalloti in Italy, a nation rich in religiosity but lacking strong evangelical church presence.
Buena Vista Soccer Academy
Rooted in evangelism and discipleship, BVSA uses sports ministry to reach the youth in underdeveloped areas of the world. They strive for gospel transformation that will break generational chains of sin, poverty, addiction, and spiritual lostness. Through the Wilson family, CBC partners with the native church in Guatemala to develop and equip godly leaders within the community.
Compassion International
Compassion International works to release children in underdeveloped areas of the world from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty through a child sponsorship model. Through Compassion and numerous individual child sponsorships, CBC is partnering with Celebration International Child Development Center in Tagoloan, Philippines, to release children and families from poverty, in Jesus’ name.
Global Gates
Global Gates seeks to reach the ends of the Earth through global gateway cities. Located primarily in North America, its mission is to see gospel transformation of unreached people groups by reaching the nations in global cities and through them reach their communities around the world. CBC partners with Bengali Muslim background believer Russell Abraham in Queens, NY, and the NYC South Asian Outreach Team.
Gospelink seeks to advance the gospel by connecting the American Church to national preachers throughout the world to empower, enhance, and accelerate their church planting and discipleship efforts. Through our partners at Gospelink, CBC supports the growth of newly established local churches in Cambodia and Kazakhstan.
His Heart, My Heart Transformations
His Heart, My Heart Transformations equips pastors, church leaders, and churches worldwide for personal and community gospel transformation. CBC partner and His Heart, My Heart founder Mike Parrott works alongside local churches in Africa, India, Pakistan, and the US through discipleship and leadership programs to make disciples who make disciples.
The Jesus Film Project
The Jesus Film Project brings the story of Jesus, as told in the Gospel of Luke, to life. Often recorded before Scripture has been printed in the same language, the Jesus Film has become a strategic tool used in evangelism to unreached, hard to access people groups. Through our partnership with Katie at the Jesus Film Project, CBC is working to advance the spread of the gospel to the ends of the Earth.
Missionary Ventures Latin America
MVLA exists to mobilize Latin Americans cross-culturally through their vision to bless the local community, to encourage, equip, and empower the local church, and to raise up workers to least reached nations around the world. CBC partners with Alicides and Sileny Fuentes through MVLA and Karisa Farms in Costa Rica using a business-as-missions strategy to impact nations that are difficult to access with the gospel.
CBC partners with Wycliffe Bible Translators in their mission to translate God’s word in every language. Wycliffe Bible Translators are at the cutting edge of bringing the Bible to people who have never had God’s Word in a language they understand and our desire is to support the translation of the Bible for a new people group every year.