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Ministry Serving Opportunities: 

The College Ministry ask our volunteers to be members or in the process of becoming a member. We ask that mentors be 24+ and our other student volunteers to be college-aged (18–23).
CBC College Mentors invest in a discipleship relationship seeking to love, support, sharpen, and develop young believers into more mature followers of Christ.

College Community Group Leaders
CBC College Community Group Leaders are college-aged individuals that will co-lead their peers in developing community through weekly Bible studies/discipleship and facilitating Biblical community within the group.

College Campus Outreach
CBC College Campus Outreach Leaders are college-aged individuals that will intentionally consider how to reach their college campus for Christ. Campus outreach leaders will be on a team of their peers that will cover their campus in prayer, plan quarterly events to reach other students not plugged into a local church, and seek to share the gospel consistently with their peers.

Hospitality Team
The CBC College Hospitality Team will be responsible for creating a welcoming and hospitable environment for the college students on Thursday nights. There will be opportunities to cook, clean, greet, and set-up the environment for each gathering. 


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